Monday, September 10, 2012

Heroic Quasar of the past

Ah, nothing better than anothet great OTK streak from Shooting Quasar Dragon again! Welcome back guys it's YGO-Duel Here and today I will be talking about Hero Quasar deck. Basically, this deck abuses the Future Fusion to bring out Quasar! How? Well there a few things you need to know. This deck is basically dead now I just wanna share with you guys what people say when they say HERO Quasar deck. Steps: Firstly, use Future Fusion, reveal Escuridao sending Any E.HERO and Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite from your deck to the grave. Then, bounce Future Fusion and special summon Zephyros via its own effect taking 400 Life Points. Next activate Future Fusion again, reveal Escuridao sending another E.HERO and a Plaguespreader Zombie to the graveyard. Then, used Plaguespreader Zombie to SP itself using its own effect. Now tune the Plaguespreader Zombie with Zephyrus to Synchro Summon Brionac! Use Brio's effect ditch a card, bounce Future Fusion. Activate it, reveal Escuridao again, this time send any E.HERO and Level Eater to the graveyard. Then use Brionac's effect again ditching a card and bouncing FF again. Activate FF, reveal Gaia this time round, sending any E.HERO and Dandylion to the grave. Dandy effects activates SS 2 Fluff tokens. Repeat the previous 2 steps but this time send any E.HERO and Spore to the grave. Then banish Dandylion SS spore via its own effect. Then tune Spore(Now level 4) with one fluff tokens for T.G. hyper Librarian. Then repeat the Brio loop again sending a E.HERO and Glow-Up Bulb this time. SS Glow-Up Bulb via own effect, tune Glow-Up Bulb with the last Fluff token to get Formula Synchron. Drawing 2 cards thanks to Librarian and Formula Synchron. Now SS Level Eater by "eating" Brio's level down(Brio now level 5). Now tune Formula with T.G Librarian and Brio to summon out Quasar. Attack twice with Quasar(4000 x 2 = 8000) Weakness: Though this deck is strong it is pretty much dead with this new format. With Brio, FF and Glow-Up banned, this deck cannot be worked out at all which is probably why Konami banned them...) Alright this ends my Deck Strategy for Yugioh today!