Japanese Pack Art:

Well I'm back again this time I'll talk about Yugioh Movie Pack 1. Yes its been released recently I think less than a week ago... Which means it was just released a few days ago. Anyway I'll be making a Malefic Deck or Sin Deck which most of the cards can only be found here so if you are interested here is the decklist(English):
YMP1-EN001 Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN002 Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN003 Malefic Parallel Gear (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN004 Malefic Cyber End Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN005 Malefic Rainbow Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN006 Junk Gardna (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN007 Malefic Paradox Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN008 Malefic World (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN009 Malefic Claw Stream (Secret Rare)
YMP1-JP001 Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon 【Sin 真紅眼の黒竜】
YMP1-JP002 Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon 【Sin 青眼の白龍】
YMP1-JP003 Malefic Parallel Gear 【Sin パラレル・ギア】
YMP1-JP004 Malefic Cyber End Dragon 【Sin サイバー・エンド・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP005 Malefic Rainbow Dragon 【Sin レインボー・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP006 Junk Gardna 【ジャンク・ガードナー】
YMP1-JP007 Malefic Paradox Dragon 【Sin パラドクス・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP008 Malefic World 【Sin World】
YMP1-JP009 Malefic Claw Stream 【Sin Claw Stream】
And yes they have the same name and the difference between the Japanese and English names. I might not want to make a Mainspring deck now thinking that if I Exceed Summon and my friend book of moon it my overlayed cards are destroyed so to be one the safe side I might be playing back Synchros it's definitely one of the best Synchros.
Difference of Malefic cards:
In the English version they are known as Malefic in their Japanese however, they are known as Sin.
They are also similar to the Earthbound Immortals in 3 main ways:
There can only be one "Malefic" Monster on the Field.
When there no field spell, they destroy themselves
They are also similar being they are currently DARK Attribute.
For more info please talk in the Yugioh Talks at the side of this website
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