Okay so basically this card is a High ATK monster for a Level 8 Synchro and yes its like the opposite of Stardust but its effect is not so nifty than Stardust Dragon or at least that's what I think. So what are the effects? Lets take a deeper look into it shall we? "If this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls after damage calculation" is its first effect. You may ask how good can it do? Well very good. When Red Dragon attacks a Defense Position monster, at the end of the Damage Calculations all other Defense Position Monsters your opponent controls are Destroyed. Isn't it great its one stone kills [Insert Number of Defense Position Monster Your opponent controls here] birds. For its second effect and also its negative effect "During your End Phase, destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn" well, you can't say every good card have an all positive efefct right? So then for the second effect as its states at your End Phase, all monster that didn't ATK this turn will be destroyed so if your opponent activates let say negate ATK after your Red Dragon Archfiend attacks, during your end phase all other monsters you controlled are destroyed. How to turn this effect Negatively into Positively? Well I'm gonna teach you a few tips of my own(If there are these tips that means I didn't know other people came out first)
First Tip: I call it the Sangan Dragon Archfiend Combo
Summon Sangan,attack your opponent with Red Dragon Archfiend end your turn and activate Sangan Effect.
The Second and Last Tip(I'll be showing you) is the OTK of Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Monsters that have high ATK
Giant Trunade
Card Rotator(In case all your opponent have face down if you want to have OTK.However you can just ATK with Red Dragon Archfiend)
Lightning Vortex(Used with Card Rotator)
Monster Reborn(Recommended so when used on Card Rotator or Lightning Vortex you can special summon the monster you just discarded.)
Alright this is a tip not a combo or at least I think it is.Firstly, use Giant Trunade(you don't want your opponent to destroy your plan).I will not show the Red Dragon Archfiend Attacking Defense Position Monster's Tip. So then next, use card rotator if you have plaguespreader zombie in your hand discard it then return one card back to special summon it. Then activate Lightning Vortex and Special Summon and discard a card best used on Night Assailant(if you don't want to waste Monster Reborn then use Monster Reborn to bring back one monster best on high attack now with your opponent clear field summon a monster and all atk directly causing an OTK yes I know I'm like typing anyhow now because I gotta stop updating for now.
~Till Next Time~
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