English Pack Art:
Japanese Pack Art:
Well I'm back again this time I'll talk about Yugioh Movie Pack 1. Yes its been released recently I think less than a week ago... Which means it was just released a few days ago. Anyway I'll be making a Malefic Deck or Sin Deck which most of the cards can only be found here so if you are interested here is the decklist(English):
YMP1-EN001 Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN002 Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN003 Malefic Parallel Gear (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN004 Malefic Cyber End Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN005 Malefic Rainbow Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN006 Junk Gardna (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN007 Malefic Paradox Dragon (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN008 Malefic World (Secret Rare)
YMP1-EN009 Malefic Claw Stream (Secret Rare)
YMP1-JP001 Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon 【Sin 真紅眼の黒竜】
YMP1-JP002 Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon 【Sin 青眼の白龍】
YMP1-JP003 Malefic Parallel Gear 【Sin パラレル・ギア】
YMP1-JP004 Malefic Cyber End Dragon 【Sin サイバー・エンド・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP005 Malefic Rainbow Dragon 【Sin レインボー・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP006 Junk Gardna 【ジャンク・ガードナー】
YMP1-JP007 Malefic Paradox Dragon 【Sin パラドクス・ドラゴン】
YMP1-JP008 Malefic World 【Sin World】
YMP1-JP009 Malefic Claw Stream 【Sin Claw Stream】
And yes they have the same name and the difference between the Japanese and English names. I might not want to make a Mainspring deck now thinking that if I Exceed Summon and my friend book of moon it my overlayed cards are destroyed so to be one the safe side I might be playing back Synchros it's definitely one of the best Synchros.
Difference of Malefic cards:
In the English version they are known as Malefic in their Japanese however, they are known as Sin.
They are also similar to the Earthbound Immortals in 3 main ways:
There can only be one "Malefic" Monster on the Field.
When there no field spell, they destroy themselves
They are also similar being they are currently DARK Attribute.
For more info please talk in the Yugioh Talks at the side of this website
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Generation Force
Cover Card:No.17 Revise Dragon
Well its the new expansion and it includes Mainspring Archetype very cool indeed
What does it feature's?
-Its features new cards used in the Yugioh Zexal anime series
-A balance mixture of the anime and cards that are original to the real world
-It also introduces cards used by Yuma Tsukumo and Ryoga Kamishiro
-And it also introduces the [Mainspring] Archetype
-There are 5 cards in each pack and 30 packs in a box
It also includes 80 cards:
1 Holographic Rare
5 Ultimate Rares
5 Ultra Rares
9 Super Rares
18 Rare
44 Common
4 Normal Rare
Card List
GENF-JP001 Gagaga Magician
GENF-JP001 Gogogo Golem
GENF-JP004 Big Jaws
GENF-JP013 Mainspring Soldier
GENF-JP014 Mainspring Magician
GENF-JP015 Mainspring Dog
GENF-JP039 No.17 Revise Dragon
GENF-JP0?? Skull Kraken
GENF-JP0?? Aero Shark
Well that's all for now until next time!
List for Extreme Victory
Yes I know I didn't post the decklist for now I'll post the list I know it's already late...
Here's the Deck List:
Cover Card Junk Beserker
EXVC-JP001 Junk Servant 【ジャンク・サーバント】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP002 Unknown Synchron 【アンノウン・シンクロン】
EXVC-JP003 Salvage Warrior 【サルベージ・ウォリアー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP004 Necro Defender 【ネクロ・ディフェンダー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP005 Mystic Piper 【ミスティック・パイパー】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP006 Force Resonator 【フォース・リゾネーター】
EXVC-JP007 Clock Resonator 【クロック・リゾネーター】
EXVC-JP008 Blackwing - Hiren the Sudden Gust 【BF-天狗風のヒレン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP009 Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer 【BF-流離いのコガラシ】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP010 Morphtronic Lighton 【D・ライトン】
EXVC-JP011 Morphtronic Staplen 【D・ステープラン】
EXVC-JP012 Machine Imperial Soldier Wisel Ein 【機皇兵ワイゼル・アイン】
EXVC-JP013 Machine Imperial Soldier Skiel Ein 【機皇兵スキエル・アイン】
EXVC-JP014 Machine Imperial Soldier Grannel Ein 【機皇兵グランエル・アイン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP015 Machine Imperial God Dragon Asterisk 【機皇神龍アステリスク】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP016 Tech Genus Cyber Magician 【TG サイバー・マジシャン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP017 Tech Genus Striker 【TG ストライカー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP018 Tech Genus Jet Falcon 【TG ジェット・ファルコン】
EXVC-JP019 Tech Genus Catapult Dragon 【TG カタパルト・ドラゴン】
EXVC-JP020 Tech Genus Werewolf 【TG ワーウルフ】
EXVC-JP021 Tech Genus Rush Rhino 【TG ラッシュ・ライノ】(Rare)
EXVC-JP022 Buster Blaster 【バスター・ショットマン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP023 Psy Girl 【サイ・ガール】
EXVC-JP024 Mental Seeker 【メンタルシーカー】
EXVC-JP025 Psychic Wizard of Silence 【沈黙のサイコウィザード】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP026 Psychic Witch of Stillness 【静寂のサイコウィッチ】
EXVC-JP027 Taciturn Psychic Priest 【寡黙なるサイコプリースト】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP028 Six Samurai Hermit 【六武衆のご隠居】
EXVC-JP029 Shien's Tactician 【紫炎の参謀】
EXVC-JP030 Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 “Ninishi” 【カラクリ小町 弐弐四】
EXVC-JP031 Karakuri Ninja mdl 7749 “Nanashick” 【カラクリ忍者 七七四九】
EXVC-JP032 Scrap Kong 【スクラップ・コング】
EXVC-JP033 Replacement Toad 【サシカエル】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP034 Gladiator Beast Tegale 【剣闘獣ティゲル】
EXVC-JP035 Jar Turtle 【瓶亀】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP036 Aurora Angelus 【オーロラ・アンギラス】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP037 Junk Berserker 【ジャンク・バーサーカー】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)
EXVC-JP038 Life Stream Dragon 【ライフ・ストリーム・ドラゴン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP039 Tech Genus Recipro Dragonfly 【TG レシプロ・ドラゴン・フライ】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP040 Tech Genus Wonder Magician 【TG ワンダー・マジシャン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP041 Tech Genus Gladiator 【TG パワー・グラディエイター】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP042 Tech Genus Blade Blaster 【TG ブレード・ガンナー】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP043 Tech Genus Halberd Cannon 【TG ハルバード・キャノン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP044 Mental Over Archfiend 【メンタルオーバー・デーモン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP045 Crimson Hell Secure 【クリムゾン・ヘル・セキュア】
EXVC-JP046 Pot of the Crimson Devil Dragon 【紅蓮魔竜の壺】
EXVC-JP047 Call Resonator 【コール・リゾネーター】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP048 Destructive Resonance 【共鳴破】
EXVC-JP049 Fortissimo the Moving Fortress 【機動要塞フォルテシモ】
EXVC-JP050 Gift of the Machine Emperors 【機皇帝の賜与】
EXVC-JP051 Impregnable Machine Imperial Soldiers 【鉄壁の機皇兵】
EXVC-JP052 Further Movement 【再機動】
EXVC-JP054 TGX300 【TGX300】
EXVC-JP055 Psychic Booster 【超能力増幅器】
EXVC-JP056 Psychic Feel Zone 【サイコ・フィール・ゾーン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP057 Shien's Dojo 【紫炎の道場】
EXVC-JP058 Karakuri’s Big Reckless 【カラクリ大暴走】
EXVC-JP059 Ritual Water Mirror’s Message 【儀水鏡との交信】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP060 Silent Wall 【完全防音壁】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP061 Emergency Drop 【急転直下】
EXVC-JP062 Instant God Curse 【即神仏】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP063 Scar Red Carpet 【スカーレッド・カーペット】
EXVC-JP064 Power Up Connector 【パワーアップ・コネクター】
EXVC-JP065 Chaos Infinity 【カオス・インフィニティ】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP066 Machine Megabomb 【機限爆弾】
EXVC-JP067 Machine Imperial Workshop 【機皇廠】
EXVC-JP068 TGX3-DX2 【TGX3-DX2】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP070 TG1-EM1 【TG1-EM1】
EXVC-JP071 Psychic Reactor 【サイコ・リアクター】
EXVC-JP072 Brain Hazard 【ブレインハザード】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP073 The Six’s School of Dual Wielding 【六武派二刀流】
EXVC-JP074 Borrowed Karakuri Storage 【借カラクリ整備蔵】
EXVC-JP075 Tyrant’s Violence 【暴君の暴力】
EXVC-JP076 Revelation 【透破抜き】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP077 Earth Technique Sealing Move 【木遁封印式】
EXVC-JP078 Safety Zone 【安全地帯】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP079 Local Big Hurricane 【局地的大ハリケーン】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP080 W Nebula Meteor 【W星雲隕石】
Here's the Deck List:
Cover Card Junk Beserker
EXVC-JP001 Junk Servant 【ジャンク・サーバント】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP002 Unknown Synchron 【アンノウン・シンクロン】
EXVC-JP003 Salvage Warrior 【サルベージ・ウォリアー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP004 Necro Defender 【ネクロ・ディフェンダー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP005 Mystic Piper 【ミスティック・パイパー】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP006 Force Resonator 【フォース・リゾネーター】
EXVC-JP007 Clock Resonator 【クロック・リゾネーター】
EXVC-JP008 Blackwing - Hiren the Sudden Gust 【BF-天狗風のヒレン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP009 Blackwing - Kogarashi the Wanderer 【BF-流離いのコガラシ】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP010 Morphtronic Lighton 【D・ライトン】
EXVC-JP011 Morphtronic Staplen 【D・ステープラン】
EXVC-JP012 Machine Imperial Soldier Wisel Ein 【機皇兵ワイゼル・アイン】
EXVC-JP013 Machine Imperial Soldier Skiel Ein 【機皇兵スキエル・アイン】
EXVC-JP014 Machine Imperial Soldier Grannel Ein 【機皇兵グランエル・アイン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP015 Machine Imperial God Dragon Asterisk 【機皇神龍アステリスク】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP016 Tech Genus Cyber Magician 【TG サイバー・マジシャン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP017 Tech Genus Striker 【TG ストライカー】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP018 Tech Genus Jet Falcon 【TG ジェット・ファルコン】
EXVC-JP019 Tech Genus Catapult Dragon 【TG カタパルト・ドラゴン】
EXVC-JP020 Tech Genus Werewolf 【TG ワーウルフ】
EXVC-JP021 Tech Genus Rush Rhino 【TG ラッシュ・ライノ】(Rare)
EXVC-JP022 Buster Blaster 【バスター・ショットマン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP023 Psy Girl 【サイ・ガール】
EXVC-JP024 Mental Seeker 【メンタルシーカー】
EXVC-JP025 Psychic Wizard of Silence 【沈黙のサイコウィザード】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP026 Psychic Witch of Stillness 【静寂のサイコウィッチ】
EXVC-JP027 Taciturn Psychic Priest 【寡黙なるサイコプリースト】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP028 Six Samurai Hermit 【六武衆のご隠居】
EXVC-JP029 Shien's Tactician 【紫炎の参謀】
EXVC-JP030 Karakuri Komachi mdl 224 “Ninishi” 【カラクリ小町 弐弐四】
EXVC-JP031 Karakuri Ninja mdl 7749 “Nanashick” 【カラクリ忍者 七七四九】
EXVC-JP032 Scrap Kong 【スクラップ・コング】
EXVC-JP033 Replacement Toad 【サシカエル】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP034 Gladiator Beast Tegale 【剣闘獣ティゲル】
EXVC-JP035 Jar Turtle 【瓶亀】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP036 Aurora Angelus 【オーロラ・アンギラス】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP037 Junk Berserker 【ジャンク・バーサーカー】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)
EXVC-JP038 Life Stream Dragon 【ライフ・ストリーム・ドラゴン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP039 Tech Genus Recipro Dragonfly 【TG レシプロ・ドラゴン・フライ】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP040 Tech Genus Wonder Magician 【TG ワンダー・マジシャン】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP041 Tech Genus Gladiator 【TG パワー・グラディエイター】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP042 Tech Genus Blade Blaster 【TG ブレード・ガンナー】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP043 Tech Genus Halberd Cannon 【TG ハルバード・キャノン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP044 Mental Over Archfiend 【メンタルオーバー・デーモン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
EXVC-JP045 Crimson Hell Secure 【クリムゾン・ヘル・セキュア】
EXVC-JP046 Pot of the Crimson Devil Dragon 【紅蓮魔竜の壺】
EXVC-JP047 Call Resonator 【コール・リゾネーター】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP048 Destructive Resonance 【共鳴破】
EXVC-JP049 Fortissimo the Moving Fortress 【機動要塞フォルテシモ】
EXVC-JP050 Gift of the Machine Emperors 【機皇帝の賜与】
EXVC-JP051 Impregnable Machine Imperial Soldiers 【鉄壁の機皇兵】
EXVC-JP052 Further Movement 【再機動】
EXVC-JP054 TGX300 【TGX300】
EXVC-JP055 Psychic Booster 【超能力増幅器】
EXVC-JP056 Psychic Feel Zone 【サイコ・フィール・ゾーン】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP057 Shien's Dojo 【紫炎の道場】
EXVC-JP058 Karakuri’s Big Reckless 【カラクリ大暴走】
EXVC-JP059 Ritual Water Mirror’s Message 【儀水鏡との交信】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP060 Silent Wall 【完全防音壁】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP061 Emergency Drop 【急転直下】
EXVC-JP062 Instant God Curse 【即神仏】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP063 Scar Red Carpet 【スカーレッド・カーペット】
EXVC-JP064 Power Up Connector 【パワーアップ・コネクター】
EXVC-JP065 Chaos Infinity 【カオス・インフィニティ】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP066 Machine Megabomb 【機限爆弾】
EXVC-JP067 Machine Imperial Workshop 【機皇廠】
EXVC-JP068 TGX3-DX2 【TGX3-DX2】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP070 TG1-EM1 【TG1-EM1】
EXVC-JP071 Psychic Reactor 【サイコ・リアクター】
EXVC-JP072 Brain Hazard 【ブレインハザード】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP073 The Six’s School of Dual Wielding 【六武派二刀流】
EXVC-JP074 Borrowed Karakuri Storage 【借カラクリ整備蔵】
EXVC-JP075 Tyrant’s Violence 【暴君の暴力】
EXVC-JP076 Revelation 【透破抜き】 (Super Rare)
EXVC-JP077 Earth Technique Sealing Move 【木遁封印式】
EXVC-JP078 Safety Zone 【安全地帯】 (Rare)
EXVC-JP079 Local Big Hurricane 【局地的大ハリケーン】 (Normal Rare)
EXVC-JP080 W Nebula Meteor 【W星雲隕石】
Card Tips:Red Dragon Archfiend
Well I'm back. Yes its been a month since I last update this blog. And the Card Tip of the day is Red Dragon Archfiend! Yes, you've not heard wrong.
Okay so basically this card is a High ATK monster for a Level 8 Synchro and yes its like the opposite of Stardust but its effect is not so nifty than Stardust Dragon or at least that's what I think. So what are the effects? Lets take a deeper look into it shall we? "If this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls after damage calculation" is its first effect. You may ask how good can it do? Well very good. When Red Dragon attacks a Defense Position monster, at the end of the Damage Calculations all other Defense Position Monsters your opponent controls are Destroyed. Isn't it great its one stone kills [Insert Number of Defense Position Monster Your opponent controls here] birds. For its second effect and also its negative effect "During your End Phase, destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn" well, you can't say every good card have an all positive efefct right? So then for the second effect as its states at your End Phase, all monster that didn't ATK this turn will be destroyed so if your opponent activates let say negate ATK after your Red Dragon Archfiend attacks, during your end phase all other monsters you controlled are destroyed. How to turn this effect Negatively into Positively? Well I'm gonna teach you a few tips of my own(If there are these tips that means I didn't know other people came out first)
First Tip: I call it the Sangan Dragon Archfiend Combo
Summon Sangan,attack your opponent with Red Dragon Archfiend end your turn and activate Sangan Effect.
The Second and Last Tip(I'll be showing you) is the OTK of Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Monsters that have high ATK
Giant Trunade
Card Rotator(In case all your opponent have face down if you want to have OTK.However you can just ATK with Red Dragon Archfiend)
Lightning Vortex(Used with Card Rotator)
Monster Reborn(Recommended so when used on Card Rotator or Lightning Vortex you can special summon the monster you just discarded.)
Alright this is a tip not a combo or at least I think it is.Firstly, use Giant Trunade(you don't want your opponent to destroy your plan).I will not show the Red Dragon Archfiend Attacking Defense Position Monster's Tip. So then next, use card rotator if you have plaguespreader zombie in your hand discard it then return one card back to special summon it. Then activate Lightning Vortex and Special Summon and discard a card best used on Night Assailant(if you don't want to waste Monster Reborn then use Monster Reborn to bring back one monster best on high attack now with your opponent clear field summon a monster and all atk directly causing an OTK yes I know I'm like typing anyhow now because I gotta stop updating for now.
~Till Next Time~
Okay so basically this card is a High ATK monster for a Level 8 Synchro and yes its like the opposite of Stardust but its effect is not so nifty than Stardust Dragon or at least that's what I think. So what are the effects? Lets take a deeper look into it shall we? "If this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls after damage calculation" is its first effect. You may ask how good can it do? Well very good. When Red Dragon attacks a Defense Position monster, at the end of the Damage Calculations all other Defense Position Monsters your opponent controls are Destroyed. Isn't it great its one stone kills [Insert Number of Defense Position Monster Your opponent controls here] birds. For its second effect and also its negative effect "During your End Phase, destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn" well, you can't say every good card have an all positive efefct right? So then for the second effect as its states at your End Phase, all monster that didn't ATK this turn will be destroyed so if your opponent activates let say negate ATK after your Red Dragon Archfiend attacks, during your end phase all other monsters you controlled are destroyed. How to turn this effect Negatively into Positively? Well I'm gonna teach you a few tips of my own(If there are these tips that means I didn't know other people came out first)
First Tip: I call it the Sangan Dragon Archfiend Combo
Summon Sangan,attack your opponent with Red Dragon Archfiend end your turn and activate Sangan Effect.
The Second and Last Tip(I'll be showing you) is the OTK of Red Dragon Archfiend
Red Dragon Archfiend
Monsters that have high ATK
Giant Trunade
Card Rotator(In case all your opponent have face down if you want to have OTK.However you can just ATK with Red Dragon Archfiend)
Lightning Vortex(Used with Card Rotator)
Monster Reborn(Recommended so when used on Card Rotator or Lightning Vortex you can special summon the monster you just discarded.)
Alright this is a tip not a combo or at least I think it is.Firstly, use Giant Trunade(you don't want your opponent to destroy your plan).I will not show the Red Dragon Archfiend Attacking Defense Position Monster's Tip. So then next, use card rotator if you have plaguespreader zombie in your hand discard it then return one card back to special summon it. Then activate Lightning Vortex and Special Summon and discard a card best used on Night Assailant(if you don't want to waste Monster Reborn then use Monster Reborn to bring back one monster best on high attack now with your opponent clear field summon a monster and all atk directly causing an OTK yes I know I'm like typing anyhow now because I gotta stop updating for now.
~Till Next Time~
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Happy New year Special!
Hey I'm back and I wish you a Happy New Year! Yes today is New Year's Eve and I'm quite hyped up for CNY(Chinese New Year) because I'll be getting a PSP using my Red packet money. Anyway I'm sorry for the late update however I'll try to post more often due to the fact of studies and laziness. LOL! Anyway today I'll talk about a very "cool" equip card.
Vicious Claw
The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, return this card to its owner's hand instead. Then, destroy 1 monster, except the one that battled the equipped monster, and inflict 600 damage to your opponent. After that, Special Summon 1 "Evil Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2500/DEF 2500) on your opponent's side of the field. During the turn this card is returned to your hand, you cannot use "Vicious Claw" from your hand.
Alright its the first effect "The equipped monster gains 300 ATK." well this is definitely not a bad upgrade. Yes I'm serious! Since 300 ATK points makes a lot of difference.
The second effect here's where the fun starts to begin. "If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, return this card to its owner's hand instead." As you can see and read this effect... This card recycles itself enabling you to keep using it all over and over again however there's a few drawbacks. The first being that this card will return to your hand only when the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle. So for example your opponent when the equipped monster attacks your opponent and your opponent activates Mirror Force, both this card and the equipped monster is sent to the graveyard. For the other drawbacks, its a quiz-like thing.What you guys are gonna do is to write down the other drawbacks for this card in the comments column for this post/or in the Yugioh Talks Section. Winners name will be posted on this blog as one of the post.
The third effect "Then, destroy 1 monster, except the one that battled the equipped monster, and inflict 600 damage to your opponent." Well this is the good part since returning this card is a good effect this is a much better effect. You see after returning this card back to your hand you get to destroy one monster and deal 600 to you opponent. Drawbacks? Well when you use this effect you can destroy any of your opponent monster(s) EXCEPT the monster that destroyed the equipped monster.
For the fourth effect "After that, Special Summon 1 "Evil Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2500/DEF 2500) on your opponent's side of the field." After destroying your opponent monster using its third effect, you can special summon 1 "Evil Token" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Well I'm happy........NOT!. You see when you use this card effect it doesn't special summon on your field instead its special summon to your opponent's. When it isn't a good effect on that one.
Last but not least, the fifth effect "During the turn this card is returned to your hand, you cannot use "Vicious Claw" from your hand." You get it do you? Yup!!! When you use it for this turn and its returned back to your hand you can't use it on the same turn...
Okay for the last part... this card may be AMAZING but at the same time it also have major weakness... I repeat MAJOR WEAKNESS!!! Well why did I say so? Well when you activate this card and the equipped monster is destroyed by battle you MUST add it to your hand. And activate all its other effects which kinda what you guys call it "Suck". Alright I'll be posting Yugioh 5D episodes soon. Till then enjoy your holidays people. Happy New Year!!!
Vicious Claw
The equipped monster gains 300 ATK. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, return this card to its owner's hand instead. Then, destroy 1 monster, except the one that battled the equipped monster, and inflict 600 damage to your opponent. After that, Special Summon 1 "Evil Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2500/DEF 2500) on your opponent's side of the field. During the turn this card is returned to your hand, you cannot use "Vicious Claw" from your hand.
Alright its the first effect "The equipped monster gains 300 ATK." well this is definitely not a bad upgrade. Yes I'm serious! Since 300 ATK points makes a lot of difference.
The second effect here's where the fun starts to begin. "If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, return this card to its owner's hand instead." As you can see and read this effect... This card recycles itself enabling you to keep using it all over and over again however there's a few drawbacks. The first being that this card will return to your hand only when the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle. So for example your opponent when the equipped monster attacks your opponent and your opponent activates Mirror Force, both this card and the equipped monster is sent to the graveyard. For the other drawbacks, its a quiz-like thing.What you guys are gonna do is to write down the other drawbacks for this card in the comments column for this post/or in the Yugioh Talks Section. Winners name will be posted on this blog as one of the post.
The third effect "Then, destroy 1 monster, except the one that battled the equipped monster, and inflict 600 damage to your opponent." Well this is the good part since returning this card is a good effect this is a much better effect. You see after returning this card back to your hand you get to destroy one monster and deal 600 to you opponent. Drawbacks? Well when you use this effect you can destroy any of your opponent monster(s) EXCEPT the monster that destroyed the equipped monster.
For the fourth effect "After that, Special Summon 1 "Evil Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 7/ATK 2500/DEF 2500) on your opponent's side of the field." After destroying your opponent monster using its third effect, you can special summon 1 "Evil Token" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Well I'm happy........NOT!. You see when you use this card effect it doesn't special summon on your field instead its special summon to your opponent's. When it isn't a good effect on that one.
Last but not least, the fifth effect "During the turn this card is returned to your hand, you cannot use "Vicious Claw" from your hand." You get it do you? Yup!!! When you use it for this turn and its returned back to your hand you can't use it on the same turn...
Okay for the last part... this card may be AMAZING but at the same time it also have major weakness... I repeat MAJOR WEAKNESS!!! Well why did I say so? Well when you activate this card and the equipped monster is destroyed by battle you MUST add it to your hand. And activate all its other effects which kinda what you guys call it "Suck". Alright I'll be posting Yugioh 5D episodes soon. Till then enjoy your holidays people. Happy New Year!!!
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