Okay so well on to it... Let's see its first effect it says "When this card resolves, send your entire hand to the Graveyard." By reading this you might think this card isn't meant for any Decks however there is one that's suitable.I'm sorry I'm sorry its not suitable its......................SUITABLE!!! What Deck is this you might have heard of it before its the Infernity Deck!!! Well thanks to its sending from hand to Graveyard effect, Infernity players are now able to use their Infernity monsters Effect nearly in the first turn and using this card to their advantage which makes the Infernity monsters to full use!!! The second effect? Its "Inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each card you sent to the Graveyard by this effect." wow now that's what I call killing TWO birds with ONE stone. Firstly Infernity players and benefited from the handless effect of this card secondly by sending this card not only Infernity players get to use their Infernity monster's effects early and easier but their opponent are also dealt with 200 damage for each card send to the Graveyard. Benefits for Infernity isn't it? Yes but this card also has its weakness if you used it all your hand will be empty... You can't summon any Monsters,play any Traps or Spells... Much lesser have any tricks up your sleeves.............BUT!!! I'm gonna help you to overcome this problem its a trick! You see before you activate this card don't activate it... The trick is to Summon your Infernity monsters first before activating this card effect. There you have it now you know the trick on how to protect your life points while benefiting from this handless situation!
::Coming Soon stay tuned::
~Till Next Time~