Saturday, October 30, 2010

Card Tips:Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Most people think making a dragon deck is difficult.Well it is but with a few tips on how to make it will be unstoppable!Well, the card of the day is Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! Well, its a powerful card especially when you can special summon it just by removing 1 Dragon-type monster you control its a must-have for most dragon deck.
Positives:Just by removing 1 Dragon type monster you control from play you could special summon it which does not waste a turn for normal summoning a monster.
Once per turn, you can special summon 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand or graveyard.
Negatives:Well, it does not actually have any negative effect but if there is one,it is when you special summon 1 dragon-type monster(effects are optional but if used can only special summon dragon-type which this is also counted as one of its blowbacks)that dragon type cannot be Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon so if you wanna add this dragon to your deck,your deck have to mostly contain dragon monsters in it.
Another:You must remove 1 dragon type monster you control(which is also counted as one of the positive effects).
Well not sure what it looks like? Just look at its picture:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tips: Cyber Dragons

Welcome all today its my first time blogging and i'll feature a card today so here it is:

This card works well in almost every deck previously it has been limited but know its back! Usefulness: Allows you to special summon it when your opponents controls a monster allowing you to synchro summon it easily.Plus it have a high atk of 2100!
Drawbacks? Well there isn't much but your opponent must at least controls a monster and only when you control none from there you can special summon it.Alright more cards shall be revealed soon...