Happy New Year to all! Alright Happy New Year and as I promise here is Yugioh 5d Episode 135 Subbed (Part 1/2)
Episode 135 Subbed (Part 2/2)
Another Episode I decided to give you guys well not exactly me but since its a New Year a New Start Might as well?
Yugioh 5d episode 136 Subbed (Part 1/2)
Episode 136 Subbed (Part 2/2)
More till next time
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A 6th Signer???
Well sorry for the late update and as the title hints a new signer have been revealed,and it's non-other than...............Leo!!!!!!!!
Yes its Leo you heard right however it isn't confirm yet.Leo is have been rumored to be the 5th signer last time however it turns out to be Crow. But rest assure this are all the signers:
Signer Dragons: Level: ATK/DEF: Attribute: Signer:
Stardust Dragon 8 2500/2000 WIND Yusei Fudo
Red Dragon Archfiend 8 3000/2000 DARK Jack Atlas
Black Rose Dragon 7 2400/1800 FIRE Akiza Izinski
Ancient Fairy Dragon 7 2100/3000 LIGHT Luna
Black-winged Dragon 8 2800/1600 DARK Crow Hogan
Life Stream Dragon ? ???/??? ???? Leo(Unconfirmed)
Don't worry I'll post the videos soon enough
Yes its Leo you heard right however it isn't confirm yet.Leo is have been rumored to be the 5th signer last time however it turns out to be Crow. But rest assure this are all the signers:
Signer Dragons: Level: ATK/DEF: Attribute: Signer:
Stardust Dragon 8 2500/2000 WIND Yusei Fudo
Red Dragon Archfiend 8 3000/2000 DARK Jack Atlas
Black Rose Dragon 7 2400/1800 FIRE Akiza Izinski
Ancient Fairy Dragon 7 2100/3000 LIGHT Luna
Black-winged Dragon 8 2800/1600 DARK Crow Hogan
Life Stream Dragon ? ???/??? ???? Leo(Unconfirmed)
Don't worry I'll post the videos soon enough
Friday, December 24, 2010
Dawn Of Heroes
Sorry for the long wait as yesterday I just came back from my camp. Oh yeah Merry Christmas People. Okay, today I'll feature another Random Game of the week. This time round I'll introduce an SRPG(Strategy Role-Playing Game). Enough talking, the title says it all. Yep its Dawn of Heroes.
Boardgame-like movement
Awesome Graphics
Wifi Supported
This game is definitely worth the price as you can connect wifi and trade items and stuffs like that. I'm not sure if you can better over wifi but most likely it will but in my opinion of course. Alright here's the trailer enjoy!
And also since today is Christmas I decided I'll make another blog soon enough so I could update new games weekly and don't worry I'll used that blog to post all new-to-date games and then used this for YGO cause I figure out you guys won't like a YGO site to have many new un-related games.
Till Next Time!
Oh yeah I've forgotten I'll post episodes of YGO soon might try tomorrow
Boardgame-like movement
Awesome Graphics
Wifi Supported
This game is definitely worth the price as you can connect wifi and trade items and stuffs like that. I'm not sure if you can better over wifi but most likely it will but in my opinion of course. Alright here's the trailer enjoy!
And also since today is Christmas I decided I'll make another blog soon enough so I could update new games weekly and don't worry I'll used that blog to post all new-to-date games and then used this for YGO cause I figure out you guys won't like a YGO site to have many new un-related games.
Till Next Time!
Oh yeah I've forgotten I'll post episodes of YGO soon might try tomorrow
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Golden Sun:Dark Dawn
Alright today will be another randooooooooooooooooooom post today as I show you one of the great ds games. Yes I'm gonna get it for Christmas(at least I think I will). Okay and yes a new Yugioh Anime has been confirm but I won't be revealing soon at least not until I get the game or maybe earlier like perhaps tomorrow?! Okay so anyway back to the topic the reason for me posting this is because I'm so excited about getting THIS game yep. It will definitely be a hit! So what's it all about well good question hears a short note(s):
After going dark six years ago, 2010 will see a new dawn. Golden Sun DS updates the popular portable Golden Sun role-playing series with an impressive graphical style. This installment follows the story of the previous heroes' descendants and immerses players into the magic of its adventure by pushing the boundaries of intuitive touch-screen controls.
How it looks like? Well here it is:

Awesome 3D Graphics
Cool Maps
New Plot
New Main Characters(e.g. Matthew and Tyrell sons of Isaac and Garet)
Alright more update will be posted soon so be sure to check back often especially when I post news about Yugioh
After going dark six years ago, 2010 will see a new dawn. Golden Sun DS updates the popular portable Golden Sun role-playing series with an impressive graphical style. This installment follows the story of the previous heroes' descendants and immerses players into the magic of its adventure by pushing the boundaries of intuitive touch-screen controls.
How it looks like? Well here it is:

Awesome 3D Graphics
Cool Maps
New Plot
New Main Characters(e.g. Matthew and Tyrell sons of Isaac and Garet)
Alright more update will be posted soon so be sure to check back often especially when I post news about Yugioh
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
YGO Episodes!
Many people find it hard-to-watch Yugioh Videos but don't worry starting next week I'll post YGO episode 136 onwards since 137 is the latest but don't worry I'll try to include an Episode Guide and upload older episodes when I find or when I feel like it so yeah but don't worry I'll post episodes weekly but sometimes I might forget or don't want to. ALright that's all folks! Oh yeah one more thing if you check my youtube account I might post my first box opening it might be Duelist Pack 5:Aster Phoenix or it might be Extreme Victory currently unknown but whichever one I pick the other one is the one that I'm opening it.
~Till Next Time~
~Till Next Time~
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tech Genus Blade Blaster
Alright yes a new Tech Genus monster finally! And yes this is Tech Genus Blade Gunner except for having Blade Gunner as its Japanese Name and English being Tech Genus Blade Blaster well if you have any confusions regarding this try clicking on the links in this blog.
Yugioh Zexal more news!
This afternoon I've uploaded a post and now I'll post more info:
Yuma Tsukumo is a character in the upcoming series Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Yuma Tsukumo is the number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happened when Ryoga challenged him to a Duel. When the mysterious entity Astral appeared before them a new legend began.[1]
Yuma Tsukumo is a character in the upcoming series Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Yuma Tsukumo is the number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happened when Ryoga challenged him to a Duel. When the mysterious entity Astral appeared before them a new legend began.[1]
YGO News:
Okay rumor has it than Kazuki Takahashi is gonna stop Yugioh. But luckily after 5ds there's a new series,Yugioh Zexal. Its created by the creators of Ygo and Dm(Duel Masters). And here are some of the rules that I've found(not yet confirm):
You don't play with Life Points anymore. Each player stats with three face-down cards placed to the side of their decks. Each time a player is in a situation that would normally deal damage to them, they draw one of those cards instead. You lose if you don't have any of those cards.
Monsters' ATK and DEF won't matter anymore either. Monsters will always kill everything else by battle unless they have an effect that won't let them be destroyed.
You can Normal Summon an infinite number of times per turn.
Isn't that good hm? I hate the three face down card part... And the design of the main character is made into more cartoonish for children 12&below probably because they want more people playing and YGO deserve it! Yep, don't worry it'll be coming out in 2011. How do I found out? Read shonen jump's magazine or go internet and search. Okay, I have to go now so till next time~
You don't play with Life Points anymore. Each player stats with three face-down cards placed to the side of their decks. Each time a player is in a situation that would normally deal damage to them, they draw one of those cards instead. You lose if you don't have any of those cards.
Monsters' ATK and DEF won't matter anymore either. Monsters will always kill everything else by battle unless they have an effect that won't let them be destroyed.
You can Normal Summon an infinite number of times per turn.
Isn't that good hm? I hate the three face down card part... And the design of the main character is made into more cartoonish for children 12&below probably because they want more people playing and YGO deserve it! Yep, don't worry it'll be coming out in 2011. How do I found out? Read shonen jump's magazine or go internet and search. Okay, I have to go now so till next time~
Friday, December 10, 2010
Decklist for Destiny End Dreadmaster deck
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x3
Destiny Hero Captain Tenacious x2
Destiny Hero Double Dude x2
Destiny Hero Doom Lord x3
Destiny Hero Dreadmaster x2
Destiny Hero Dreadservant x2
Destiny Hero Dunker x2
Destiny Hero Fear Monger x2
Destiny Hero Malicious x2
Destiny Hero Blood-D(Plasma)
Destiny Hero Dogma
Clock Tower Prison x3
Polymerization x2
Lightning Vortex
Misfortune x2
I'm kind of lazy right now so I'll upload the rest soon =D
Be sure to check back~
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x3
Destiny Hero Captain Tenacious x2
Destiny Hero Double Dude x2
Destiny Hero Doom Lord x3
Destiny Hero Dreadmaster x2
Destiny Hero Dreadservant x2
Destiny Hero Dunker x2
Destiny Hero Fear Monger x2
Destiny Hero Malicious x2
Destiny Hero Blood-D(Plasma)
Destiny Hero Dogma
Clock Tower Prison x3
Polymerization x2
Lightning Vortex
Misfortune x2
I'm kind of lazy right now so I'll upload the rest soon =D
Be sure to check back~
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Card Tips:Beast King Barbaros
Okay, today I'll post tip on Beast King Barbaros. Yeah this card is an IDEAL design for most decks.
Positive effect(s):
You can normal summon or tribute summon.
By tributing 3 cards for this monster, you can destroy all cards your opponent control which is definitely a great thing.
However if you normal summon it without any tribute's this monster's attack is 1900.
Now, this deck is most notably for decks like:
Skill Drain Deck
High aggressive monsters deck
Okay, when you normal summon this monster it's attack will be 1900.This is where the card Skill Drain came in. Thanks to Skill Drain by activating it, you can negate Beast King Barbaros after you've summon it which results in
Combo requirements(99% OTK):
Beast King Barbaros X3
Skill Drain
Double Summon X2
Lightning Vortex
1.Normal Summon Beast King Barbaros
2.Next activate Double Summon
3.Summon another Beast King Barbaros
4.Activate the next Double Summon and summon your Beast King Barbaros
5.Ahh, this is where you skill drain comes into play by giving up 1000 LP(Sounds like a heavy cost?Not really it'll do like 99%.But 100% if your opponent doesn't control any spell and traps,I'll show you a 100% win ,maybe next time...) and negate your Beast Kings effect making it to 3 3000ATK normal monsters.
3000+3000+3000=9000 Damage
Recommended card(s):
Gobling Attack Force
I'll show you a 100% auto win next time(if I can find that is).
Positive effect(s):
You can normal summon or tribute summon.
By tributing 3 cards for this monster, you can destroy all cards your opponent control which is definitely a great thing.
However if you normal summon it without any tribute's this monster's attack is 1900.
Now, this deck is most notably for decks like:
Skill Drain Deck
High aggressive monsters deck
Okay, when you normal summon this monster it's attack will be 1900.This is where the card Skill Drain came in. Thanks to Skill Drain by activating it, you can negate Beast King Barbaros after you've summon it which results in
Combo requirements(99% OTK):
Beast King Barbaros X3
Skill Drain
Double Summon X2
Lightning Vortex
1.Normal Summon Beast King Barbaros
2.Next activate Double Summon
3.Summon another Beast King Barbaros
4.Activate the next Double Summon and summon your Beast King Barbaros
5.Ahh, this is where you skill drain comes into play by giving up 1000 LP(Sounds like a heavy cost?Not really it'll do like 99%.But 100% if your opponent doesn't control any spell and traps,I'll show you a 100% win ,maybe next time...) and negate your Beast Kings effect making it to 3 3000ATK normal monsters.
3000+3000+3000=9000 Damage
Recommended card(s):
Gobling Attack Force
I'll show you a 100% auto win next time(if I can find that is).
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tech Genus Tips
Well ok today I'm gonna show you a rough idea of a Tech Genus Deck which I think I would be using it ^_^!
Tech Genus Striker X3
Tech Genus Werewolf X3
Tech Genus Cyber Magician X3
Tech Genus Rush Rhino X3
Red Gadget X3 |
Yellow Gadget X3 |Temporary Idea
Green Gadget X3 ____|
However if you don't like the idea of gadgets replace them with:
Quilbolt Hedgehog X3(Minimum is still for this deck 2)
Cyber Dragon
Spells:(Since most TG monsters attack are Halved when you activate a magic or trap cards while targeting them,it isn't recommended that you have many spell cards that support them)
Pot of Avarice X1(2 are recommended for recycling your monsters to maintain your strategies)
Double Summon X1 (I would recommend you to add 2)
Dark Hole (It's not recommended however if you wanna draw more cards using Dark Hole together with Pot of Avarice, go ahead)
Don't worry I'll have more updates on the spell since I can't think i might start with Destiny Heroes first but then again I should start of with TG?
Interdimensional Matter Transporter X2(Add 3 for safety since it's effect is somewhat similar to one of TG Blade Master's effect)
Call Of the Haunted(Bring back your monster)
Mirror Force (Hmm... Protects your monsters...)
Bottomless Trap Hole X2(This hole with no bottom is gonna SAVE you most of the time by using it, not only can you destroy you opponent's powerful monster, it also remove the monster which I would definitely recommend you to add 2 since it's the MAX... Gee thanks September 1st 2010 Banlist...)
Urgent Tuning x2(Forgot to tune during your main phase and accidentally attack with one of your monsters? Well, fear not by activating this card you can tune you monsters during the battle phase which for example if you attack with Junk Synchron and Quilbolt Hedgehog, and activate this card, you can special summon Junk Warrior which still can attack your opponent thanks to this handy card so I'll recommend 3 but 2 would be a good number ^^)
Okay for the monsters they have a few number but don't worry I'll have more information and will add more cards to this deck when I find it.)
Till next time cya
Tech Genus Striker X3
Tech Genus Werewolf X3
Tech Genus Cyber Magician X3
Tech Genus Rush Rhino X3
Red Gadget X3 |
Yellow Gadget X3 |Temporary Idea
Green Gadget X3 ____|
However if you don't like the idea of gadgets replace them with:
Quilbolt Hedgehog X3(Minimum is still for this deck 2)
Cyber Dragon
Spells:(Since most TG monsters attack are Halved when you activate a magic or trap cards while targeting them,it isn't recommended that you have many spell cards that support them)
Pot of Avarice X1(2 are recommended for recycling your monsters to maintain your strategies)
Double Summon X1 (I would recommend you to add 2)
Dark Hole (It's not recommended however if you wanna draw more cards using Dark Hole together with Pot of Avarice, go ahead)
Don't worry I'll have more updates on the spell since I can't think i might start with Destiny Heroes first but then again I should start of with TG?
Interdimensional Matter Transporter X2(Add 3 for safety since it's effect is somewhat similar to one of TG Blade Master's effect)
Call Of the Haunted(Bring back your monster)
Mirror Force (Hmm... Protects your monsters...)
Bottomless Trap Hole X2(This hole with no bottom is gonna SAVE you most of the time by using it, not only can you destroy you opponent's powerful monster, it also remove the monster which I would definitely recommend you to add 2 since it's the MAX... Gee thanks September 1st 2010 Banlist...)
Urgent Tuning x2(Forgot to tune during your main phase and accidentally attack with one of your monsters? Well, fear not by activating this card you can tune you monsters during the battle phase which for example if you attack with Junk Synchron and Quilbolt Hedgehog, and activate this card, you can special summon Junk Warrior which still can attack your opponent thanks to this handy card so I'll recommend 3 but 2 would be a good number ^^)
Okay for the monsters they have a few number but don't worry I'll have more information and will add more cards to this deck when I find it.)
Till next time cya
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Elemental Hero Neos List(Update)
Alright on the I think the day I post the tip of the day on Elemental Hero Neos,I promised you I would show you a list of Fusions for Elemental Hero Neos. Ok so here it is:
For Contact Fusions:
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Flare Scarab = Elemental Hero Flare Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin = Elemental Hero Aqua Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird = Elemental Hero Air Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Grand Mole = Elemental Hero Grand Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Glow Moss = Elemental Hero Glow Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Dark Panther = Elemental Hero Dark Neos
Triple Contact Fusions:
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Flare Scarab + Neo Spacian Grand Mole = Elemental Hero Grand Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin + Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird = Elemental Hero Storm Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Glow Moss + Neo Spacian Dark Panther = Elemental Hero Chaos Neos
I'll update the upgrading list of neo spacians soon~
Be sure to check back~
For Contact Fusions:
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Flare Scarab = Elemental Hero Flare Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin = Elemental Hero Aqua Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird = Elemental Hero Air Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Grand Mole = Elemental Hero Grand Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Glow Moss = Elemental Hero Glow Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Dark Panther = Elemental Hero Dark Neos
Triple Contact Fusions:
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Flare Scarab + Neo Spacian Grand Mole = Elemental Hero Grand Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin + Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird = Elemental Hero Storm Neos
Elemental Hero Neos + Neo Spacian Glow Moss + Neo Spacian Dark Panther = Elemental Hero Chaos Neos
I'll update the upgrading list of neo spacians soon~
Be sure to check back~
Extreme Victory News
Ok as it name suggest,I'm gonna introduce you the Extreme Victory OCG set! Yep after Storm of Ragnarok and I'll definitely get a box of this as I'll make a Tech Genus Deck anyway the official picture of it hasn't been confirm but the cover card will definitely be Junk Berserker.And I'll show you the image as soon as I can find it so yeah. Alright firstly, this set includes cards used by Bruno when his Vizor(Dark Glass in the original Japanese Version).Secondly,this set includes a balanced number of cards from both the 'anime universe' and cards that are original to the OCG.Thirdly,it features the latest cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime series used between October and January.And last but not least(for now I think),it includes new support for existing archetypes.Alright more information will be given soon so please be patient and check back often for more latest news on YGO
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Card Tips:Elemental Hero Neos
Well, yeah I'll post a different tip each day any time now. Anyway the tip of the day for today will be Elemental Hero Neos. There isn't an effect for it but 2500 ATK is worth it considering the fact that Dark Magician has the same Level and ATK. Alright I'll show you 2 combos so here it is:
1st combo(I'll call it the Neos Deck combo):
Requirements:2x Elemental Hero Neos
2x Ancient Rules or Fake Hero (You can have one of each if you want)
Any Neo-Spacian Monster
Neos Spacian Monster(I'll show the list when I have the time)
Common Soul(Optional-Highly Recommended)
1st:Activate Ancient Rules or Fake Hero(Any 2 will do or both).Special summon 2 Elemental Hero Neos
(Optional)2nd:Activate Common Soul special summoning any Neo-spacian.
2nd(Compulsory):Normal Summon a Neo-spacian
3rd Fuse both of them(Or 3 if you used the optional 2 method)
This combo will ensure an OTS(One Turn Summon) of a Neos Fusion.However it would be better if you activate Neo's Space or at least equip Instant Neo's Space to ensure that your monster at least survive for this turn plus gaining 500 ATK if you activate Neo's Space.I'll post all the fusions of Neos soon possibly if I feel like it or I have the time (Mostly feeling lazy).
2nd Combo:(Most notably the Wrath of Neos combo or WON combo for short)
Requirements:Elemental Hero Prisma
Elemental Hero Neos
Wrath of Neos x1(Recommended:2)
1st:Activate Elemental Hero Prisma's effect sending Elemental Hero Neos to the graveyard and treating Prisma as Elemental Hero Neos for this turn only.
2nd:Activate Wrath of Neos sending Elemental Hero Neos to the graveyard to destroy all other cards on the field(In this case, it's Elemental Hero Prisma since you send Neos to the graveyard.
3rd:Activate O-Oversoul special summoning Elemental Hero Neos since you can only summon a normal Elemental Hero monster most recommended Elemental Hero Neos(Being the highest Elemental Hero Normal Monster).Then direct Atk your opponent.
4th(Optional only if you run 2 Wrath of Neos):Activate Wrath of Neos only this time use it on Neos to clear the field.
Note:The second method can only be used to clear the field which means NO OTK(One Turn Kill).
3rd(Last) or I should call it the Original Neos strategy/combo:
Requirements:Elemental Hero Prisma(or Foolish Burial)
Elemental Hero Neos
Neo Spacian monster(Any 1 would recommend Dark Panther having it's fusion 100% negating one of your opponent's monster's effect.
Neo Spacian Fusion(I'll recommend Elemental Hero Dark Neos thanks to it's Negating effect)
Common Soul(Only if you use with Elemental Hero Prisma or use it like in the 1st combo see the first combo for more details)
Wrath of Neos(Recommended to use it on Neos if you play Foolish Burial then use O-Oversoul to bring it back)
Neo's Space
Too many cards huh? Well it will be worth it trust me,all you need to do is to follow what I do and your good going.
Firstly summon Elemental Hero Prisma or activate Foolish Burial. Send Neos to the graveyard.Have Wrath of Neos use it to Prisma(If you use the Prisma way) to clear the field.
Secondly,since Neos is in your graveyard(Due to both methods),activate O-Oversoul to bring back Neos(See 2nd Method for more details).
3rd(Optional::Only if you use the Elemental Hero Prisma):Activate Common Soul to special summon a Neo Spacian Monster.
Next? Well You contact fuse them or (if you skip the 3rd step if you use the Foolish Burial Method)summon another Neo Spacian monster and Fuse them!
Then,activate Neos Space.
Lastly,cast a direct ATK on your opponent and if you want you could use the spell card Contact Out after you direct attack(Optional) sending back your Fusion back to the deck and special summoning back Neos and the other fusion material monsters.
If you used Contact Out you could nearly dealt an OTK since Contact Out is a quick-spell which you can use it to direct you opponent again.
Results(Only shows the 3rd step):
(Triple Contact Fusion):
3500+3000+(The Neo Spacians ATK)=6500+ ATK
(Contact Fusion):
3000+3000+(Neo Spacian ATK)=6000+ ATK
Alright I'll definitely show you the Neos Fusion List soon enough possibly when I feel like it and I'll also show the some unique Neo Spacians that can only be special summon with NEX
1st combo(I'll call it the Neos Deck combo):
Requirements:2x Elemental Hero Neos
2x Ancient Rules or Fake Hero (You can have one of each if you want)
Any Neo-Spacian Monster
Neos Spacian Monster(I'll show the list when I have the time)
Common Soul(Optional-Highly Recommended)
1st:Activate Ancient Rules or Fake Hero(Any 2 will do or both).Special summon 2 Elemental Hero Neos
(Optional)2nd:Activate Common Soul special summoning any Neo-spacian.
2nd(Compulsory):Normal Summon a Neo-spacian
3rd Fuse both of them(Or 3 if you used the optional 2 method)
This combo will ensure an OTS(One Turn Summon) of a Neos Fusion.However it would be better if you activate Neo's Space or at least equip Instant Neo's Space to ensure that your monster at least survive for this turn plus gaining 500 ATK if you activate Neo's Space.I'll post all the fusions of Neos soon possibly if I feel like it or I have the time (Mostly feeling lazy).
2nd Combo:(Most notably the Wrath of Neos combo or WON combo for short)
Requirements:Elemental Hero Prisma
Elemental Hero Neos
Wrath of Neos x1(Recommended:2)
1st:Activate Elemental Hero Prisma's effect sending Elemental Hero Neos to the graveyard and treating Prisma as Elemental Hero Neos for this turn only.
2nd:Activate Wrath of Neos sending Elemental Hero Neos to the graveyard to destroy all other cards on the field(In this case, it's Elemental Hero Prisma since you send Neos to the graveyard.
3rd:Activate O-Oversoul special summoning Elemental Hero Neos since you can only summon a normal Elemental Hero monster most recommended Elemental Hero Neos(Being the highest Elemental Hero Normal Monster).Then direct Atk your opponent.
4th(Optional only if you run 2 Wrath of Neos):Activate Wrath of Neos only this time use it on Neos to clear the field.
Note:The second method can only be used to clear the field which means NO OTK(One Turn Kill).
3rd(Last) or I should call it the Original Neos strategy/combo:
Requirements:Elemental Hero Prisma(or Foolish Burial)
Elemental Hero Neos
Neo Spacian monster(Any 1 would recommend Dark Panther having it's fusion 100% negating one of your opponent's monster's effect.
Neo Spacian Fusion(I'll recommend Elemental Hero Dark Neos thanks to it's Negating effect)
Common Soul(Only if you use with Elemental Hero Prisma or use it like in the 1st combo see the first combo for more details)
Wrath of Neos(Recommended to use it on Neos if you play Foolish Burial then use O-Oversoul to bring it back)
Neo's Space
Too many cards huh? Well it will be worth it trust me,all you need to do is to follow what I do and your good going.
Firstly summon Elemental Hero Prisma or activate Foolish Burial. Send Neos to the graveyard.Have Wrath of Neos use it to Prisma(If you use the Prisma way) to clear the field.
Secondly,since Neos is in your graveyard(Due to both methods),activate O-Oversoul to bring back Neos(See 2nd Method for more details).
3rd(Optional::Only if you use the Elemental Hero Prisma):Activate Common Soul to special summon a Neo Spacian Monster.
Next? Well You contact fuse them or (if you skip the 3rd step if you use the Foolish Burial Method)summon another Neo Spacian monster and Fuse them!
Then,activate Neos Space.
Lastly,cast a direct ATK on your opponent and if you want you could use the spell card Contact Out after you direct attack(Optional) sending back your Fusion back to the deck and special summoning back Neos and the other fusion material monsters.
If you used Contact Out you could nearly dealt an OTK since Contact Out is a quick-spell which you can use it to direct you opponent again.
Results(Only shows the 3rd step):
(Triple Contact Fusion):
3500+3000+(The Neo Spacians ATK)=6500+ ATK
(Contact Fusion):
3000+3000+(Neo Spacian ATK)=6000+ ATK
Alright I'll definitely show you the Neos Fusion List soon enough possibly when I feel like it and I'll also show the some unique Neo Spacians that can only be special summon with NEX
Friday, December 3, 2010
Card Tips:Destiny Hero-Doom Lord
Well, you might be surprised but I decided to have another card tip of the day today! Yay so today the it's another Destiny Hero monster yay! Destiny Hero-Doom Lord to be specific.
Well this card is like warping opponent monster's to the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the cost of skipping your battle phase of course but it can remove from play your opponent monster for 2 turns... But if you use it with the spell card misfortune it will be very POWERFUL!!!
1:You opponent have to have at least a monster(powerful one is recommended)
2:Have doom lord up equal to the number of opponent monster on the field(Max. number of Doom Lord is 3 so if you opponent have 3 or more have up to 3)
3:Have as many misfortune(Max.3)
1:Activate misfortune(max.3),up to the number of monsters on your opponent's field,dealing damage to them while skipping your own battle phase.
2:Activate's Doom Lord's effect, since doom lord's effect only allows you to activate it once per turn,have it up to the max if your opponent have more than 3 monsters. Which remove your opponent's monster while skipping you own battle phase. But since you already skip you battle phase it would be worth it.
Skipping a battle phase for one turn=Dealing damage(s) to your opponent and removing them for 2 turns after that. Great isn't it? And for some other useful ways you can somehow come out with you own. Here's some idea have cards that provide useful effect while skipping your battle phase since you must skip it if you activate doom lord's effect.
Also you cards that can ensure full potential to provide this combo.
Card(s) that are recommended: Effects:
D-shield Prevent it from destroying your doom lord(s)
More will becoming soon until then be sure to check back however if I didn't post any new post(s) or so long it either means I'm busy or I'm lazy to upload any post so until next time! Or if you have a youtube account please do leave in the comment and visit: youtube.com/poketwilight
Well this card is like warping opponent monster's to the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the cost of skipping your battle phase of course but it can remove from play your opponent monster for 2 turns... But if you use it with the spell card misfortune it will be very POWERFUL!!!
1:You opponent have to have at least a monster(powerful one is recommended)
2:Have doom lord up equal to the number of opponent monster on the field(Max. number of Doom Lord is 3 so if you opponent have 3 or more have up to 3)
3:Have as many misfortune(Max.3)
1:Activate misfortune(max.3),up to the number of monsters on your opponent's field,dealing damage to them while skipping your own battle phase.
2:Activate's Doom Lord's effect, since doom lord's effect only allows you to activate it once per turn,have it up to the max if your opponent have more than 3 monsters. Which remove your opponent's monster while skipping you own battle phase. But since you already skip you battle phase it would be worth it.
Skipping a battle phase for one turn=Dealing damage(s) to your opponent and removing them for 2 turns after that. Great isn't it? And for some other useful ways you can somehow come out with you own. Here's some idea have cards that provide useful effect while skipping your battle phase since you must skip it if you activate doom lord's effect.
Also you cards that can ensure full potential to provide this combo.
Card(s) that are recommended: Effects:
D-shield Prevent it from destroying your doom lord(s)
More will becoming soon until then be sure to check back however if I didn't post any new post(s) or so long it either means I'm busy or I'm lazy to upload any post so until next time! Or if you have a youtube account please do leave in the comment and visit: youtube.com/poketwilight
Card Tips: Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude
Hey! I'm back yes I know it's been a long time since I post a new post which is why today we'll talk about one of my favourite hero cards the Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude! You may thing its effect isn't useful or you may want to call it suck. But note that it will be very useful once you read this. (Note that the terms "Magic" and "Spell" are the same)
Positive effect(s):
Firstly,when you use Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude you can look through the top of your deck and if its a normal magic card you can sent it to your graveyard and activate its effect.
Activating it's effect means that you need not pay any cost for the magic card which means for example you use lightning voltex you will have to discard a card but in this case you need not pay any cost for it thanks to Diamond Dude's handy effect which is very useful in most deck(Destiny Heroes specifically).
Firstly, it's effect only targets normal magic cards which means if you reveal a very powerful continuous magic you'll have to put in at the bottom of your deck.
Other than that this card is useful and comes in handy in most deck which when I say it I mean it. Basically this card is a must have for most deck that focuses on having many normal magic cards in it.
Until next time!
Positive effect(s):
Firstly,when you use Destiny Hero-Diamond Dude you can look through the top of your deck and if its a normal magic card you can sent it to your graveyard and activate its effect.
Activating it's effect means that you need not pay any cost for the magic card which means for example you use lightning voltex you will have to discard a card but in this case you need not pay any cost for it thanks to Diamond Dude's handy effect which is very useful in most deck(Destiny Heroes specifically).
Firstly, it's effect only targets normal magic cards which means if you reveal a very powerful continuous magic you'll have to put in at the bottom of your deck.
Other than that this card is useful and comes in handy in most deck which when I say it I mean it. Basically this card is a must have for most deck that focuses on having many normal magic cards in it.
Until next time!
Friday, November 12, 2010
STOR:Storm of Ragnarok
Hey! I'm back again and today I'll be posting some of the decklist for storm of ragnarok. We all know that the date of the release will be 13/10/10 which is today. So today I'll have to upload a the decklist:
STOR-JP001 Cluster Pendulum 【クラスター・ペンデュラム】
STOR-JP002 Doppel Warrior 【ドッペル・ウォリアー】 (Rare)
STOR-JP003 Stardust Phantom 【スターダスト・ファントム】 (Rare)
STOR-JP004 Different Dimension Spirit 【異次元の精霊】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP005 Top Runner 【トップ・ランナー】
STOR-JP006 Barrier Resonator 【バリア・リゾネーター】
STOR-JP007 Blackwing - Bora the Sharp 【BF-尖鋭のボーラ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP008 Blackwing - Alizé the Tailwind 【BF-追い風のアリゼ】
STOR-JP009 Blackwing - Calm the Shimmer 【BF-陽炎のカーム】
STOR-JP010 Polar Star Beast Tanngrisnir 【極星獣タングリスニ】
STOR-JP011 Polar Star Beast Gullfaxi 【極星獣グルファクシ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP012 Polar Star Beast Garm 【極星獣ガルム】
STOR-JP013 Polar Star Beast Tanngnjóstr 【極星獣タングニョースト】 (Rare)
STOR-JP014 Polar Star Spirit Ljósálfr 【極星霊リョースアールヴ】
STOR-JP015 Polar Star Spirit Dökkálfr 【極星霊デックアールヴ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP016 Polar Star Spirit Dvergr 【極星霊ドヴェルグ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP017 Polar Star Angel Valkyrie 【極星天ヴァルキュリア】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP018 Polar Star Angel Mímir 【極星天ミーミル】
STOR-JP019 Polar Star General Tyr 【極星將テュール】 (Rare)
STOR-JP020 True Six Samurai - Kizan 【真六武衆-キザン】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP021 True Six Samurai - Enishi 【真六武衆-エニシ】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP022 True Six Samurai - Kageki 【真六武衆-カゲキ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP023 True Six Samurai - Shinai 【真六武衆-シナイ】
STOR-JP024 True Six Samurai - Mizuho 【真六武衆-ミズホ】
STOR-JP025 Kagemusha of the Six Samurai 【六武衆の影武者】
STOR-JP026 Shien's Yoriko 【紫炎の寄子】
STOR-JP027 Karakuri Guard mdl 313 “Saizan” 【カラクリ守衛 参壱参】
STOR-JP028 Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 “Kuikku” 【カラクリ忍者 九壱九】
STOR-JP029 Scrap Worm 【スクラップ・ワーム】 (Rare)
STOR-JP030 Scrap Shark 【スクラップ・シャーク】
STOR-JP031 Wattsnapper 【エレキンメダイ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP032 Wattmole 【エレキンモグラ】
STOR-JP033 Sound Warrior Bassist 【音響戦士ベーシス】
STOR-JP034 Sound Warrior Drums 【音響戦士ドラムス】
STOR-JP035 Sound Warrior Piano 【音響戦士ピアーノ】
STOR-JP036 Magioshaleon 【マジオシャレオン】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP037 Yaksha 【夜叉】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP038 Polar God King Thor 【極神皇トール】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP039 Polar God King Loki 【極神皇ロキ】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP040 Polar God Sacred Emperor Odin 【極神聖帝オーディン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)
STOR-JP041 True Six Samurai - Shien 【真六武衆-シエン】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP042 Karakuri Great Shogun Bureido 【カラクリ大将軍 無零怒】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP043 Atomic Scrap Dragon 【アトミック・スクラップ・ドラゴン」】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP044 Wattkirimu 【エレキリム】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP045 Polar Star Treasure Draupnir 【極星宝ドラウプニル】
STOR-JP046 Götterdämmerung 【神々の黄昏】
STOR-JP047 Last March 【最後の進軍】
STOR-JP048 Shien's Smoke Signal 【紫炎の狼煙】 (Rare)
STOR-JP049 Three Step Opposition of the Six 【六武式三段衝】
STOR-JP050 Asceticism of the Six Samurai 【六武衆の荒行】 (Rare)
STOR-JP051 Residence of the Six 【六武院】
STOR-JP052 Borrowed Karakuri Warehouse 【借カラクリ蔵】
STOR-JP053 Karakuri Powder 【カラクリ粉】
STOR-JP054 Wattkey 【エレキー】
STOR-JP055 Glittering Stardust 【星屑のきらめき】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP056 Resonator Engine 【リゾネーター・エンジン】
STOR-JP057 Token Easter 【トークン復活祭】
STOR-JP058 Foolish Reincarnation 【おろかな転生】 (Rare)
STOR-JP059 Mist Valley Divine Wind 【霞の谷の神風】
STOR-JP060 Vairon Matter 【ヴァイロン・マター】
STOR-JP061 Forbidden Holy Lance 【禁じられた聖槍】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP062 Terminal World 【端末世界】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP063 Hope for a Way Out 【活路への希望】 (Rare)
STOR-JP064 Zero Force 【ゼロ・フォース】
STOR-JP065 Black Boost 【ブラック・ブースト】
STOR-JP066 Magical Hammer of Mjöllnir 【ミョルニルの魔槌】
STOR-JP067 Solemn Authority 【神の威光】
STOR-JP068 Polar Star Treasure Brísingamen 【極星宝ブリージンガ・メン】
STOR-JP069 Polar Star Treasure Laevateinn 【極星宝レーヴァテイン】
STOR-JP070 Polar Star Treasure Gungnir 【極星宝グングニル」】 (Rare)
STOR-JP071 Apple of Frigg 【フリッグのリンゴ】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP072 Eye of Odin 【オーディンの眼】
STOR-JP073 Solemn Binding - Gleipnir 【神の桎梏グレイプニル】 (Rare)
STOR-JP074 Magatama of Musakani 【六尺瓊勾玉】 (Rare)
STOR-JP075 Shien's Plot 【紫炎の計略】
STOR-JP076 Rampage Fight 【暴走闘君】
STOR-JP077 Xing Zhen Hu Replica 【心鎮壷のレプリカ】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP078 Tyrant's Insults 【暴君の暴言】
STOR-JP079 Curse of Statue 【カース・オブ・スタチュー】
STOR-JP080 Soul of Statue 【ソウル・オブ・スタチュー】
I'll have to go for now so this is it
Do check back as we'll have more updates soon
I'm YGO-duel signing off
STOR-JP001 Cluster Pendulum 【クラスター・ペンデュラム】
STOR-JP002 Doppel Warrior 【ドッペル・ウォリアー】 (Rare)
STOR-JP003 Stardust Phantom 【スターダスト・ファントム】 (Rare)
STOR-JP004 Different Dimension Spirit 【異次元の精霊】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP005 Top Runner 【トップ・ランナー】
STOR-JP006 Barrier Resonator 【バリア・リゾネーター】
STOR-JP007 Blackwing - Bora the Sharp 【BF-尖鋭のボーラ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP008 Blackwing - Alizé the Tailwind 【BF-追い風のアリゼ】
STOR-JP009 Blackwing - Calm the Shimmer 【BF-陽炎のカーム】
STOR-JP010 Polar Star Beast Tanngrisnir 【極星獣タングリスニ】
STOR-JP011 Polar Star Beast Gullfaxi 【極星獣グルファクシ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP012 Polar Star Beast Garm 【極星獣ガルム】
STOR-JP013 Polar Star Beast Tanngnjóstr 【極星獣タングニョースト】 (Rare)
STOR-JP014 Polar Star Spirit Ljósálfr 【極星霊リョースアールヴ】
STOR-JP015 Polar Star Spirit Dökkálfr 【極星霊デックアールヴ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP016 Polar Star Spirit Dvergr 【極星霊ドヴェルグ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP017 Polar Star Angel Valkyrie 【極星天ヴァルキュリア】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP018 Polar Star Angel Mímir 【極星天ミーミル】
STOR-JP019 Polar Star General Tyr 【極星將テュール】 (Rare)
STOR-JP020 True Six Samurai - Kizan 【真六武衆-キザン】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP021 True Six Samurai - Enishi 【真六武衆-エニシ】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP022 True Six Samurai - Kageki 【真六武衆-カゲキ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP023 True Six Samurai - Shinai 【真六武衆-シナイ】
STOR-JP024 True Six Samurai - Mizuho 【真六武衆-ミズホ】
STOR-JP025 Kagemusha of the Six Samurai 【六武衆の影武者】
STOR-JP026 Shien's Yoriko 【紫炎の寄子】
STOR-JP027 Karakuri Guard mdl 313 “Saizan” 【カラクリ守衛 参壱参】
STOR-JP028 Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 “Kuikku” 【カラクリ忍者 九壱九】
STOR-JP029 Scrap Worm 【スクラップ・ワーム】 (Rare)
STOR-JP030 Scrap Shark 【スクラップ・シャーク】
STOR-JP031 Wattsnapper 【エレキンメダイ】 (Rare)
STOR-JP032 Wattmole 【エレキンモグラ】
STOR-JP033 Sound Warrior Bassist 【音響戦士ベーシス】
STOR-JP034 Sound Warrior Drums 【音響戦士ドラムス】
STOR-JP035 Sound Warrior Piano 【音響戦士ピアーノ】
STOR-JP036 Magioshaleon 【マジオシャレオン】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP037 Yaksha 【夜叉】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP038 Polar God King Thor 【極神皇トール】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP039 Polar God King Loki 【極神皇ロキ】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP040 Polar God Sacred Emperor Odin 【極神聖帝オーディン】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare)
STOR-JP041 True Six Samurai - Shien 【真六武衆-シエン】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP042 Karakuri Great Shogun Bureido 【カラクリ大将軍 無零怒】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP043 Atomic Scrap Dragon 【アトミック・スクラップ・ドラゴン」】 (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
STOR-JP044 Wattkirimu 【エレキリム】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP045 Polar Star Treasure Draupnir 【極星宝ドラウプニル】
STOR-JP046 Götterdämmerung 【神々の黄昏】
STOR-JP047 Last March 【最後の進軍】
STOR-JP048 Shien's Smoke Signal 【紫炎の狼煙】 (Rare)
STOR-JP049 Three Step Opposition of the Six 【六武式三段衝】
STOR-JP050 Asceticism of the Six Samurai 【六武衆の荒行】 (Rare)
STOR-JP051 Residence of the Six 【六武院】
STOR-JP052 Borrowed Karakuri Warehouse 【借カラクリ蔵】
STOR-JP053 Karakuri Powder 【カラクリ粉】
STOR-JP054 Wattkey 【エレキー】
STOR-JP055 Glittering Stardust 【星屑のきらめき】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP056 Resonator Engine 【リゾネーター・エンジン】
STOR-JP057 Token Easter 【トークン復活祭】
STOR-JP058 Foolish Reincarnation 【おろかな転生】 (Rare)
STOR-JP059 Mist Valley Divine Wind 【霞の谷の神風】
STOR-JP060 Vairon Matter 【ヴァイロン・マター】
STOR-JP061 Forbidden Holy Lance 【禁じられた聖槍】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP062 Terminal World 【端末世界】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP063 Hope for a Way Out 【活路への希望】 (Rare)
STOR-JP064 Zero Force 【ゼロ・フォース】
STOR-JP065 Black Boost 【ブラック・ブースト】
STOR-JP066 Magical Hammer of Mjöllnir 【ミョルニルの魔槌】
STOR-JP067 Solemn Authority 【神の威光】
STOR-JP068 Polar Star Treasure Brísingamen 【極星宝ブリージンガ・メン】
STOR-JP069 Polar Star Treasure Laevateinn 【極星宝レーヴァテイン】
STOR-JP070 Polar Star Treasure Gungnir 【極星宝グングニル」】 (Rare)
STOR-JP071 Apple of Frigg 【フリッグのリンゴ】 (Super Rare)
STOR-JP072 Eye of Odin 【オーディンの眼】
STOR-JP073 Solemn Binding - Gleipnir 【神の桎梏グレイプニル】 (Rare)
STOR-JP074 Magatama of Musakani 【六尺瓊勾玉】 (Rare)
STOR-JP075 Shien's Plot 【紫炎の計略】
STOR-JP076 Rampage Fight 【暴走闘君】
STOR-JP077 Xing Zhen Hu Replica 【心鎮壷のレプリカ】(Normal Rare)
STOR-JP078 Tyrant's Insults 【暴君の暴言】
STOR-JP079 Curse of Statue 【カース・オブ・スタチュー】
STOR-JP080 Soul of Statue 【ソウル・オブ・スタチュー】
I'll have to go for now so this is it
Do check back as we'll have more updates soon
I'm YGO-duel signing off
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Synchro Deck
All right. Today I'll be showing you my decklist for my synchro deck so here it is
1x Samurai Sword Baron
1x X-saber Galahad
1x Penguin Soldier
1x Obnoxious Celtic Guard
1x Turret Warrior
1x Shield Warrior
1x Eccentric Kid
1x Morphing Jar
1x Level Eater
1x Synchron Explorer
1x Exiled Force
1x Sasuke Samurai
2x Junk Synchron
1x Quickdraw Synchron
1x Sonic Chick
1x Creation Reasonator
1x Tune Warrior
1x Warrior Lady Of The Wastelands
3x Quillbolt Hedgehog
1x Card Rotator
1x Monster Reborn
1x Creature Swap
1x The Warrior Reurning Alive
1x Array of Revealing Light
1x Banner of courage
1x Widespread Ruin
2x Bottomless Traphole
1x Magic Jammer
1x Mirror Force
1x Limit Reverse
1x Scrap-iron scarecrow
1x Raigeki Break
1x Graceful Revival
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Judgement
Notes:I might taking out some cards from this deck for the deck I've decided to make,the Destiny Heros
1x Samurai Sword Baron
1x X-saber Galahad
1x Penguin Soldier
1x Obnoxious Celtic Guard
1x Turret Warrior
1x Shield Warrior
1x Eccentric Kid
1x Morphing Jar
1x Level Eater
1x Synchron Explorer
1x Exiled Force
1x Sasuke Samurai
2x Junk Synchron
1x Quickdraw Synchron
1x Sonic Chick
1x Creation Reasonator
1x Tune Warrior
1x Warrior Lady Of The Wastelands
3x Quillbolt Hedgehog
1x Card Rotator
1x Monster Reborn
1x Creature Swap
1x The Warrior Reurning Alive
1x Array of Revealing Light
1x Banner of courage
1x Widespread Ruin
2x Bottomless Traphole
1x Magic Jammer
1x Mirror Force
1x Limit Reverse
1x Scrap-iron scarecrow
1x Raigeki Break
1x Graceful Revival
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Judgement
Notes:I might taking out some cards from this deck for the deck I've decided to make,the Destiny Heros
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Destiny Heroes
Well, today I'm gonna tell you the deck I would be making its a deck that have low ATK and DEF.What's the deck? Its Destiny heroes! Yes Destiny heroes are available in Duelist Pack 5:Aster Phoenix. Well, this is the picture and the decklist is below it:

DP05-JP001 Destiny Hero - Doom Lord 「D-HERO デビルガイ」
DP05-JP002 Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious 「D-HERO ダイハードガイ」
DP05-JP003 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude 「D-HERO ダイヤモンドガイ」
DP05-JP004 Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster 「D-HERO ドレッドガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP005 Destiny Hero - Double Dude 「D-HERO ダブルガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP006 Destiny Hero - Defender 「D-HERO ディフェンドガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP007 Destiny Hero - Dogma 「D-HERO ドグマガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP008 Destiny Hero - Blade Master 「D-HERO ダガーガイ」
DP05-JP009 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger 「D-HERO ドゥームガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP010 Destiny Hero - Dasher 「D-HERO ダッシュガイ」
DP05-JP011 Destiny Hero - Malicious 「D-HERO ディアボリックガイ」 (Ultra Rare)
DP05-JP012 Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer 「E・HERO フェニックスガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP013 Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer 「E・HERO シャイニング・フェニックスガイ」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP014 Misfortune 「ミスフォーチュン」
DP05-JP015 Guard Penalty 「ガードペナルティ」
DP05-JP016 Clock Tower Prison 「幽獄の時計塔」 (Rare)
DP05-JP017 D - Spirit 「D-スピリッツ」
DP05-JP018 Cyclone Blade 「旋風剣」
DP05-JP019 Dark City 「ダーク ・ シティ」
DP05-JP020 Destiny Draw 「デステニー・ドロー」 (Ultra Rare)
DP05-JP021 Over Destiny 「オーバー・デステニー」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP022 Elemental Recharge 「エレメンタル ・ チャージ」
DP05-JP023 Destruction of Destiny 「デステニー ・ デストロイ」
DP05-JP024 Destiny Signal 「デステニー・シグナル」
DP05-JP025 D - Time 「D-タイム」
DP05-JP026 D - Shield 「D-シールド」
DP05-JP027 Destiny Mirage 「デステニー ・ ミラージュ」
DP05-JP028 D - Chain 「D-チェーン」
DP05-JP029 D - Counter 「D-カウンター」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP030 Eternal Dread 「エターナル・ドレッド」 (Super Rare)
DP05-EN001 Destiny Hero - Doom Lord (Common)
DP05-EN002 Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious (Common)
DP05-EN003 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude (Common)
DP05-EN004 Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster (Rare)
DP05-EN005 Destiny Hero - Double Dude (Rare)
DP05-EN006 Destiny Hero - Defender (Rare)
DP05-EN007 Destiny Hero - Dogma (Rare)
DP05-EN008 Destiny Hero - Blade Master (Common)
DP05-EN009 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger (Rare)
DP05-EN010 Destiny Hero - Dasher (Common)
DP05-EN011 Destiny Hero - Malicious (Ultra Rare)
DP05-EN012 Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer (Rare)
DP05-EN013 Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer (Super Rare)
DP05-EN014 Misfortune (Common)
DP05-EN015 Guard Penalty (Common)
DP05-EN016 Clock Tower Prison (Rare)
DP05-EN017 D - Spirit (Common)
DP05-EN018 Cyclone Blade (Common)
DP05-EN019 Dark City (Common)
DP05-EN020 Destiny Draw (Ultra Rare)
DP05-EN021 Over Destiny (Super Rare)
DP05-EN022 Elemental Recharge (Common)
DP05-EN023 Destruction of Destiny (Common)
DP05-EN024 Destiny Signal (Common)
DP05-EN025 D - Time (Common)
DP05-EN026 D - Shield (Common)
DP05-EN027 Destiny Mirage (Common)
DP05-EN028 D - Chain (Common)
DP05-EN029 D - Counter (Super Rare)
DP05-EN030 Eternal Dread (Super Rare)
Duelist Pack 5:Aster Phoenix is one of the hard-to-find Duelist packs in my locals but recently my friend have found it yes which I can make a D.hero deck
Until next time remember to comment

DP05-JP001 Destiny Hero - Doom Lord 「D-HERO デビルガイ」
DP05-JP002 Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious 「D-HERO ダイハードガイ」
DP05-JP003 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude 「D-HERO ダイヤモンドガイ」
DP05-JP004 Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster 「D-HERO ドレッドガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP005 Destiny Hero - Double Dude 「D-HERO ダブルガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP006 Destiny Hero - Defender 「D-HERO ディフェンドガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP007 Destiny Hero - Dogma 「D-HERO ドグマガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP008 Destiny Hero - Blade Master 「D-HERO ダガーガイ」
DP05-JP009 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger 「D-HERO ドゥームガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP010 Destiny Hero - Dasher 「D-HERO ダッシュガイ」
DP05-JP011 Destiny Hero - Malicious 「D-HERO ディアボリックガイ」 (Ultra Rare)
DP05-JP012 Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer 「E・HERO フェニックスガイ」 (Rare)
DP05-JP013 Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer 「E・HERO シャイニング・フェニックスガイ」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP014 Misfortune 「ミスフォーチュン」
DP05-JP015 Guard Penalty 「ガードペナルティ」
DP05-JP016 Clock Tower Prison 「幽獄の時計塔」 (Rare)
DP05-JP017 D - Spirit 「D-スピリッツ」
DP05-JP018 Cyclone Blade 「旋風剣」
DP05-JP019 Dark City 「ダーク ・ シティ」
DP05-JP020 Destiny Draw 「デステニー・ドロー」 (Ultra Rare)
DP05-JP021 Over Destiny 「オーバー・デステニー」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP022 Elemental Recharge 「エレメンタル ・ チャージ」
DP05-JP023 Destruction of Destiny 「デステニー ・ デストロイ」
DP05-JP024 Destiny Signal 「デステニー・シグナル」
DP05-JP025 D - Time 「D-タイム」
DP05-JP026 D - Shield 「D-シールド」
DP05-JP027 Destiny Mirage 「デステニー ・ ミラージュ」
DP05-JP028 D - Chain 「D-チェーン」
DP05-JP029 D - Counter 「D-カウンター」 (Super Rare)
DP05-JP030 Eternal Dread 「エターナル・ドレッド」 (Super Rare)
DP05-EN001 Destiny Hero - Doom Lord (Common)
DP05-EN002 Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious (Common)
DP05-EN003 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude (Common)
DP05-EN004 Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster (Rare)
DP05-EN005 Destiny Hero - Double Dude (Rare)
DP05-EN006 Destiny Hero - Defender (Rare)
DP05-EN007 Destiny Hero - Dogma (Rare)
DP05-EN008 Destiny Hero - Blade Master (Common)
DP05-EN009 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger (Rare)
DP05-EN010 Destiny Hero - Dasher (Common)
DP05-EN011 Destiny Hero - Malicious (Ultra Rare)
DP05-EN012 Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer (Rare)
DP05-EN013 Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer (Super Rare)
DP05-EN014 Misfortune (Common)
DP05-EN015 Guard Penalty (Common)
DP05-EN016 Clock Tower Prison (Rare)
DP05-EN017 D - Spirit (Common)
DP05-EN018 Cyclone Blade (Common)
DP05-EN019 Dark City (Common)
DP05-EN020 Destiny Draw (Ultra Rare)
DP05-EN021 Over Destiny (Super Rare)
DP05-EN022 Elemental Recharge (Common)
DP05-EN023 Destruction of Destiny (Common)
DP05-EN024 Destiny Signal (Common)
DP05-EN025 D - Time (Common)
DP05-EN026 D - Shield (Common)
DP05-EN027 Destiny Mirage (Common)
DP05-EN028 D - Chain (Common)
DP05-EN029 D - Counter (Super Rare)
DP05-EN030 Eternal Dread (Super Rare)
Duelist Pack 5:Aster Phoenix is one of the hard-to-find Duelist packs in my locals but recently my friend have found it yes which I can make a D.hero deck
Until next time remember to comment
Monday, November 1, 2010
Archetype: Tech Genus
Well, I'm back! And today my reason for uploading this is because most of you have watch the yugioh 5d anime.Look at the heading above,sounds familiar? Well, for those of you that have watch the yugioh 5d anime you'll notice that there is an archetype named Tech Genus(Tech Genius in the japanese)which is used by Bruno A.K.A Vizor(Know as Dark Glass in the japanese) in yugioh 5d.The Tech Genus is also the first archetype to ever used accel synchro in the anime of yugioh 5d.Rumor has it that the Tech Genus cards will be released after the booster pack Storm of Ragnarok(STOR) in the booster pack Extreme Victory. Well I'll be posting the spoiler card list of Storm of Ragnarok(STOR) soon be sure to check back!
YGO Duel
YGO Duel
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Card Tips:Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Most people think making a dragon deck is difficult.Well it is but with a few tips on how to make it will be unstoppable!Well, the card of the day is Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! Well, its a powerful card especially when you can special summon it just by removing 1 Dragon-type monster you control its a must-have for most dragon deck.
Positives:Just by removing 1 Dragon type monster you control from play you could special summon it which does not waste a turn for normal summoning a monster.
Once per turn, you can special summon 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand or graveyard.
Negatives:Well, it does not actually have any negative effect but if there is one,it is when you special summon 1 dragon-type monster(effects are optional but if used can only special summon dragon-type which this is also counted as one of its blowbacks)that dragon type cannot be Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon so if you wanna add this dragon to your deck,your deck have to mostly contain dragon monsters in it.
Another:You must remove 1 dragon type monster you control(which is also counted as one of the positive effects).
Well not sure what it looks like? Just look at its picture:
Positives:Just by removing 1 Dragon type monster you control from play you could special summon it which does not waste a turn for normal summoning a monster.
Once per turn, you can special summon 1 Dragon-type monster from your hand or graveyard.
Negatives:Well, it does not actually have any negative effect but if there is one,it is when you special summon 1 dragon-type monster(effects are optional but if used can only special summon dragon-type which this is also counted as one of its blowbacks)that dragon type cannot be Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon so if you wanna add this dragon to your deck,your deck have to mostly contain dragon monsters in it.
Another:You must remove 1 dragon type monster you control(which is also counted as one of the positive effects).
Well not sure what it looks like? Just look at its picture:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tips: Cyber Dragons
Welcome all today its my first time blogging and i'll feature a card today so here it is:
This card works well in almost every deck previously it has been limited but know its back! Usefulness: Allows you to special summon it when your opponents controls a monster allowing you to synchro summon it easily.Plus it have a high atk of 2100!
Drawbacks? Well there isn't much but your opponent must at least controls a monster and only when you control none from there you can special summon it.Alright more cards shall be revealed soon...
This card works well in almost every deck previously it has been limited but know its back! Usefulness: Allows you to special summon it when your opponents controls a monster allowing you to synchro summon it easily.Plus it have a high atk of 2100!
Drawbacks? Well there isn't much but your opponent must at least controls a monster and only when you control none from there you can special summon it.Alright more cards shall be revealed soon...
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